Jean Koerner

Jean Koerner

Jean Koerner ( began practicing yoga in New York City in 1988, and is now a senior teacher of ISHTA (integrated sciences of hatha, tantra, and ayurveda) Yoga ( Jean has used yoga to recover from a back injury, and avoided a second surgery in 1993 with the help of her daily yoga practice. Formerly a co-owner of Be Yoga Studios in Manhattan with her teacher Alan Finger, Jean developed and implemented a teacher training program for 2 major yoga studios in New York (Be Yoga and Yoga Works) which both gained a solid reputation among yoga teacher trainings. She is a teacher of teachers. Jean, considered a “Yoga authority” on iyoga Life, is currently director of the Workshop Program at ISHTA Yoga, teaches in NYC, and has been featured in many magazines highlighting her yoga career and in over 30 television episodes of “Yoga Zone” which were broadcast nationally and are currently available as retail dvds. Jean’s blog “Equilibrium” for Happiness Series explores ways to find balance and equipoise in life.


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